Sunday 3 January 2021

Tidy this, clean that...

 I am finally coming around to do some tidying around the study... it's more and more a workshop with everything out of place... just as I like it, I guess.

It's been relaxing this time... the slight organization of things here and there... Normally it vexes me realizing how far I am from having all place ready to be used for creativity.

I have been, let's say, collecting so many materials and ideas in each cranny of space in this room... hoping to have a free moment in my tumultuous mind. These past 2 days have been doing me well.
I have been having weird nights asleep (and for example now it's 3.35 am) and long complicated dreams each night, but I wake up with a kinder state of mind. Kinder to me, forgiving of my tiredness, pain, and overall being.

I have been hoping to grow out of many things I dislike about me, and I keep walking away...

The creation will soon begin... I made a couple of armour ideas for a couple of characters, so I will begin focusing on making armours and focusing on these creatures.

Can you see a bit of the pose and idea behind these work in progress armatures?

Saturday 2 January 2021

Planning resolutions...

I have a few things I need to plan because it is time I put aside everything and move forward.

I am a sculptor you see, and I need to plan armatures, characters, tubes, style of fantasy character, sort fabrics and... I need to draw.

Back to the drawing board! This is it!
Drawing the character or jot down a few ideas concerning the main characteristics will surely help.
Some photo reference also will come in handy, so that I can ensure I keep the train of thoughts while creating.

I never realized, until recently, how important it is to have figurative references of the expression or the intent of the character or characters I am creating.
It's time darling, it is time to go on and believe.

Prepping list:

- armatures
- cutting tubes for hands and feet
- sketch
- condition clay
- onyx pearls
- sculpt heads
- sculpt a bunch of nails and teeth
- sculpt heads, hands and feet or shoes

The theme for the first sculptures: creature of the Woods.

If you, like me, need to think about a range of colour to ensure you have clear in mind the environment where your creature will live, you might find this amazing website to come in handy!
Enjoy as many colour palettes as you wish!

A conversation about... bits and bobs

Welcome, welcome!

I plan on writing here as often as possible, hobbies, thoughts, creativity, and random learnings.

I hope there will be a conversation with you as if we were sharing tea together.
Please do feel free to comment, request subjects to talk about around the world of art, creativity, sculpting, colouring, painting, watercolours, crafting, crochet, knitting loom, wool, spinning yarn, spindle and spinning wheel, all accompanied with "music of the day".
I will share with you all my passions witch will include fairy tales from different countries and anything that bring happy thoughts to my smiles, and my feelings.

Welcome, I hope you will enjoy the tea.